Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have decided that this blog should be doing its part to make college life better. I will share the knowledge I have learned, whether it be studying (as it will be in this blog), money saving tips, or anything that I feel enhances my college life (or could enhance if I did it). As I just stated, this blog is going to be a short blog telling the world how I’ve learned to study in college. This can only really be used for GE classes, but because half of college is GE’s now, this is a great way to coast through college.

I like to call my method the Wikipedia method, because I have no creativity. This method helps study for test as well as save money, because it allows me to not buy books for most of my classes. Every college student knows how much beer money can go into a single book, so I feel the method is well worth it. All my method requires is a laptop and an internet connection.

What I like to do is go to my classes, and just surf the web most of the class. This in itself is not different than most college students who bring laptops to class. Throughout my classes I’ve seen people playing World of Warcraft, watching movies, and even watching porn (but that was in High School, not college).

My method allows me to go to class and do much of the same as I would do when I’m at home. Honestly, I get to be more productive while in class than almost any time. Most of the blogs I write (including this one) are done in class, and at least a forth of my homework is done while in class. This class period is a perfect example. I am writing a blog or two, then doing my Creative Writing homework due on Friday, all while learning Critical Thinking.

Enough of the introduction, here is the method. As I surf the web or write I keep an ear out for what the professor is saying. Each transition of a lecture has an introduction, which I then use to find the Wikipedia page. I then copy and paste the Wikipedia article about the subject into my notes document on my computer, as well as a few points that the teacher makes, because usually the first few points can give clarity to Wikipedia.

Here is an excerpt from my Monday/Wednesday Biology class:

Gene Regulation


Control Gene is like the manager of genes. It tells them what to do, and genes do.

Mutant control gene gives the order more than once (usually just twice)

Workers mindlessly obey.


I actually think that is all I have to say. The method is not all that intense, in fact I think it’s the laziest way to get through college. It’s my free ever changing version of cliff notes. In the end that is what this blog is really about, how to be a lazy drunk and get away with it (and maybe save some money too)

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