Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Town Hall Gunman gets a D in fashion

All over the internet I’m hearing “Gun-toting Man Draws Scrutiny Outside Obama Town Hall.

Many are pointing to the shirt, which read "It Is Time To Water The Tree Of Liberty" as an obvious threat to take the head of the President, but what I’ve gotten from it is that he just doesn’t know how to pick quotes.

If the shirt had used the Jefferson quote, “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” If he had said that then he would have been displaying a great message.

Maybe this was not the message he meant to send, but it is what America should get from his actions. Of course the Democrats will make sure that the message they send it, “Those crazy conservatives are willing to kill for Rush Limbaugh.”

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sending my blog to Washington

This post is just to announce that I'm going to write a few more article on health care, and then I'm going to send it to flag@whitehouse.gov and see if they respond to my message. This, of course, is about the administration asking people to send in websites that are critical of health care reform.

If they do I will try to have a conversation about health care with them, and I will post it here. Of course I am only a armchair politician, but I will do some research and see what questions I have. Maybe the administration can win me over... but I doubt it.

This is similar to when I use to just blog on Myspace. I had a couple articles where I said "terrorist" a lot (as well as other probably flagged terms) in hopes of getting more readers to my blog.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Note to Washington: Look at England

This is the first time I have used my blog as a response to a news article, but the article seems to foreshadow what America may be going through in five years.

Apparently England is five years ahead of us in trying to make an online centralized Health Care system. This sounds very similar to one part of the Health Care reform trying to be passed in Washington.

The Conservatives have said they would create huge cost savings for the NHS by scrapping plans for a central database of patient records.

Every patient would have a username and password and IT firms such as Google or Microsoft could host the information.

England has tried what we are about to do, and it is failing. They have found private businesses that will do the work for them, so why not take it? It would create more jobs by extending the online Health sector of the economy and achieve exactly what Obama is hoping to achieve with the use of taxpayer money (or more realistically, money on loan from China).

The system they are scrapping has cost over 12 billion pounds, so I hope the government learns from their mistake and doesn't throw billions more out the window in an already failed idea.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Health Care Reform: Passing the burden from businesses to government

Health Care is the biggest issue being talked about right now, and it seems like the citizens aren't for the reform that is being planned. That may change as time goes on, but right now the people of the nation seem to be wary of more spending because of how large the deficit has grown to.

What really bugs me about the issue is the fact that it shows exactly where my views with Obama differ. Both of us see that the insurance companies are the problem, but our methods to fix it are completely different.

I see insurance companies as a hindrence to the free market. With insurance companies paying the cost doctors and patiants are in the dark about the actual cost of what they are recieving. The insurance companies make the decisions instead of the patient.

Right now Obama is trying to fix it by taking away the insurance companies and adding the government. What bothers me about this is that it takes the patients choice to choose away even further, and now the government is who you go to for Health Care.

If it continuos to be an option that is fine, but if it is an option that is underwritten by the government every year than it won't be good because it would drive private insurers out of the sector. The more people to be under the government model the more it would have to be subsidized, which would just keep costing the government more and more money.

Obama is saying that that fixing health care is how we fix our economy. Right now it is hurting businesses because they have to pay for employees insurance. So, instead of strangling businesses we are going to strangle the government? That just seems bad.

Why not make it the individuals who have to save money for procedures and doctors visits? I'm sure hospitals would compete for yearly plans and stuff for normal services. It would save money because people could shop around for the best price, people could rate doctors online, and everything could be dealt with in the free market.

Right now the free market doesn't exist in health care, because the patients and the doctors don't know the prices of anything anymore it would seem. The government is trying to compound the problem, not fix it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Penn and Teller Bullshit: Taxes

This is just a suggestion to watch the new Penn and Teller: Bullshit that came out today (August 6, 2009). It is the 7th episode in episode 7 and the subject taxes. I think most of America (me included) could use a Bullshit free explaination of taxes, because we are being taxed more than ever before. The Republicans have Tea Parties and the Democratics are trying to tax us out of Capitalism, so it will be great to see the side opposing both of them.

Over the years Bullshit has been a show about debunking the myths in society today. They take no prisoners, whether they talk about Chiropracting, Bottled Water, Lie Detectors, or Illegal drugs.

I haven't been able to catch this show yet because I don't have Showtime, but as soon as it is available on Amazon (or I visit a friend who recorded it) I will watch it and maybe write a review on it if I feel like it is a good episode.

If anyone has seen it and would like to comment that would be great, but really this is just a suggestion to tune in if you don't usually watch the show.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cash for Clunks. Success?

The first advice my economic teacher gave my High School class was that a new car is basically the worst investment someone could make. They always go down in price, in fact they go down substantially in price as soon as they leave the lot.

Apparently the US government hasn’t taken any classes in economics. We are using billions of dollars to help Americans buy new cars, many of which will have to take out loans and get more into debt in order to pay for the car.

The money being given out isn’t enough to bankrupt the country or anything of the sort, but it really makes no sense to call it a success.

This is what happens when the government gives money directly to the US people. Of course people are going to take advantage of a free $4,500.

If nothing else, this “success” shows the governments failings in the past. This upped sales in a section of the economy that billions of dollars directly to the company couldn’t help.

Americans having more money to spend is a good thing, but not in just one sector. We’ve spend hundreds of billions of dollars to help companies get off the ground, instead we should have given the money back to the tax payers.

They could spend it on the companies that offer the best services, which in turn would allow those companies to grow and the old failing companies would not even be missed.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Volunteering for the Libertarian party

I am just posting here to say that I have officially sent in an application to volunteer for the California Libertarian party.

I am very interested to see how the political process looks close up, and I feel like this will make or break whether I will run for office or stay only in the private sector after my collegiate career.

Here is the website if you are interested in helping the Libertarian party.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Legalize Gambling

Gambling needs to be legalized in California. Right now they are talking about adding slot machines to racing tracks, and I can’t possibly see what would be wrong with that. There is already gambling going on at the race track, and it seems like putting slots in wouldn’t the society any more than a track already is. Plus, race tracks are falling off the map in California with places like Golden Gate being closed in favor of selling houses.

If horse racing wants to survive it needs to be able to add slot machines. But the issue is bigger than that to me, and shows yet another option for California to make money off the sins of its citizens.

I found the exact numbers from the Nevada Gaming board on the money they make per year, but I couldn’t really figure out how much revenue they made, as opposed to the amount that could be taxed. I have the link to those reports at the bottom of this blog.

Nevada is expected to make $620 millionin the first nine months of this year from gambling taxes, which comes to $826 million over the fiscal year if the number stayed the same for all 12 months. Sorry for the lake of the real number, but the link below should help if you are really interested.

With the amount of people in California, and the amount of tourists already coming here, it would seem like the state would make much more than $1 billion per year with Gambling. This would also increase revenue in many other ways (sales tax, more tourism, ect).

It seems like it would be another good solution on how to bring money to the state. Legalizing marijuana would bring about 1.4 billion revenue (and savings in the prison system). Both of these would put California on the cutting edge of the nation becoming sane again. Right now they are the leaders of the insane with the green movement, but I hope that things can turn around.

Link to Gambling revenues: http://gaming.nv.gov/gaming_revenue_rpt.htm

Sunday, August 2, 2009

California School Voucher Solution

Today I just want to talk about the simple idea of school vouchers for the state of California.

California is an odd state in the fact that the state pays for most of the schooling, as opposed to the local communities. This fact is hurting education all over the state in this time of recession, and the idea of how to fix it seems pretty clear. School voucher systems have worked in places like Washington D.C. Though they were revoked for political reason. John Stossel has a great piece about this in his 20/20 Special Report Stupid In America.

The voucher system would be cheaper, because it would cut much of the administration cost out of the schooling sector. It would also bring about competition in the school environments, which would allow for much better run schools.

The model I picture when I think of a well run school is St. Catherine’s. It was a K-8 Catholic school. The staff had one teacher for every grade as well as a PE teacher, music teacher, and computer teacher. The administration was very low, they carried a Principal, Vice Principal, and a Secretary. Because of this the tuition was less than what California pays per student for a public education.

With competition happening in schools the ones that are mismanaged would go away, and new ones would pop up. To solve the problem of some kids not being able to go to good schools it may be good to subsidize bus tickets for kids going to school. This would allow for much more flexibility on a child’s school than in the current system where you can only go to the school that you are zoned in.

Unions have lost their hold on almost everything in this country besides teaching and the car industry. Both of these unions are doing everything they can to hide their failure. Something will have to be done about the California education system. If the state can save money as well as improve education (and get the teachers union to no longer have any power at the state level), then it seems like it would have to be tried. California does some nut job things, but they also aren’t scared to try things and see if they work, my only hope is that someday California can admit that the current system is broken, and search for something new.

Stossel Links can be found at his website: http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/

Friday, July 31, 2009

High-Speed to LA

As a Libertarian, it’s really hard to be optimistic about the direction our country is going. Both the left and the right are so far to the center that neither are close to my philosophies.

Gambling, Drugs, Prostitution, and Nuclear Power are all basically illegal in a country that could use every one of them. We are worried about funding as well as clean energy, and those issues can be solved if we just learn that living in a Republic is better than living in a Democracy. If we just taxed the sins then everyone could pay less in taxes, and the people who drag society down will at least be paying taxes instead of wasting tax dollars in jails.

California, where I live, is a perfect example of why a Democracy doesn’t really work. Here we can vote on ballot measures for spending in the state, which reminds me very much of the Ben Franklin quote, “When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

During the election we voted on a high-speed train going from LA to San Francisco. It would cost the state billions of dollars, and the tickets for it would be $50. On Southwest I can fly the same distance in about the same amount of time (airport time included) for only $10 or $20 more. So, in my opinion the train wasn’t worth it to me, because I wouldn’t be for it if it was an option in the free market.

When I told my sister this she told me that she voted for it because it wasn’t me paying for it, it was the collective pull of many people. But the way I see it, if I wouldn’t pay for it myself, why would I want to tax it on the rest of the state?

This has gotten off topic, but I’m going to begin posting a lot of articles on here about my Libertarian beliefs, because this is the internet, and the internet breeds Libertarians. The free exchange of information really does seem to create a more Libertarian way of thinking. I believe that is because it allows people to see past the common misconceptions of the world that we have.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have decided that this blog should be doing its part to make college life better. I will share the knowledge I have learned, whether it be studying (as it will be in this blog), money saving tips, or anything that I feel enhances my college life (or could enhance if I did it). As I just stated, this blog is going to be a short blog telling the world how I’ve learned to study in college. This can only really be used for GE classes, but because half of college is GE’s now, this is a great way to coast through college.

I like to call my method the Wikipedia method, because I have no creativity. This method helps study for test as well as save money, because it allows me to not buy books for most of my classes. Every college student knows how much beer money can go into a single book, so I feel the method is well worth it. All my method requires is a laptop and an internet connection.

What I like to do is go to my classes, and just surf the web most of the class. This in itself is not different than most college students who bring laptops to class. Throughout my classes I’ve seen people playing World of Warcraft, watching movies, and even watching porn (but that was in High School, not college).

My method allows me to go to class and do much of the same as I would do when I’m at home. Honestly, I get to be more productive while in class than almost any time. Most of the blogs I write (including this one) are done in class, and at least a forth of my homework is done while in class. This class period is a perfect example. I am writing a blog or two, then doing my Creative Writing homework due on Friday, all while learning Critical Thinking.

Enough of the introduction, here is the method. As I surf the web or write I keep an ear out for what the professor is saying. Each transition of a lecture has an introduction, which I then use to find the Wikipedia page. I then copy and paste the Wikipedia article about the subject into my notes document on my computer, as well as a few points that the teacher makes, because usually the first few points can give clarity to Wikipedia.

Here is an excerpt from my Monday/Wednesday Biology class:

Gene Regulation


Control Gene is like the manager of genes. It tells them what to do, and genes do.

Mutant control gene gives the order more than once (usually just twice)

Workers mindlessly obey.


I actually think that is all I have to say. The method is not all that intense, in fact I think it’s the laziest way to get through college. It’s my free ever changing version of cliff notes. In the end that is what this blog is really about, how to be a lazy drunk and get away with it (and maybe save some money too)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is my second try at my first blog. I’ve decided that I am going to just have a short overview on who I am and what I believe in any area that I can think of. So, I am going to just write short little tidbits about random beliefs I have. Please, try to remember that I am not fully serious with some of my beliefs:

If Christianity is correct, it is possible that Barrack Obama may be the Anti-Christ. I will probably write about this in a few blogs to explain why I think it is possible.

Even though I believe Obama could be the Anti-Christ, I don’t believe he will be the one ruling the world when it goes down. Who I really believe will rule the world is Google, and with every passing day they seem to be getting closer to making that a possibility. 

I am a huge sports fan, my favorite three teams are the San Francisco 49ers and Giants, as well as the North Carolina Tar Heels, and Detroit Red Wings. My dad is a huge sports fan as well, so throughout my life I’ve been going to different sports events all over the country. I have traveled to almost every round of the Final Four over the last 6 years of my life (and each of those years I went to the actual Final Four). 

My three favorite sports events I’ve been to throughout my life are: 
1. 49ers 99’ playoff game against the Packers: In my mind this was basically the last moment before the 49ers long spiral of playing shitty really started. This was before Terrell Owens became TO, and directly before Garrison Hearst blew out his knee and Super Bowl hopes have never really came back since the Falcon’s game the next week. 

2. Detroit vs. Chicago. Winter Classic, 2009 - This was obviously my most recent of the top  three. I had to travel to Chicago to see this game, and it was definitely worth it, even though my girlfriend was none-to-happy that I traveled away for sports and missed New Years with her. There is nothing else like seeing your breath before watching your favorite hockey team play. The fact that this was the first big event I’ve been when I was over 21, so I had a few Jack and Cokes before the game at Cubbies bar, and a bunch of beers at the game.

3. UNC National Title in 2005 - What else can I say other than the fact that it was great seeing my favorite team win the title. Besides the Red Wings I have never really been able to see a championship for any of my teams in my lifetime (and I had to see the Detroit games on TV). The 1994 49ers Super Bowl doesn’t really count in my mind, because although I was alive, I was only about 7, and not too into Football. 

I will end this blog here.