Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is my second try at my first blog. I’ve decided that I am going to just have a short overview on who I am and what I believe in any area that I can think of. So, I am going to just write short little tidbits about random beliefs I have. Please, try to remember that I am not fully serious with some of my beliefs:

If Christianity is correct, it is possible that Barrack Obama may be the Anti-Christ. I will probably write about this in a few blogs to explain why I think it is possible.

Even though I believe Obama could be the Anti-Christ, I don’t believe he will be the one ruling the world when it goes down. Who I really believe will rule the world is Google, and with every passing day they seem to be getting closer to making that a possibility. 

I am a huge sports fan, my favorite three teams are the San Francisco 49ers and Giants, as well as the North Carolina Tar Heels, and Detroit Red Wings. My dad is a huge sports fan as well, so throughout my life I’ve been going to different sports events all over the country. I have traveled to almost every round of the Final Four over the last 6 years of my life (and each of those years I went to the actual Final Four). 

My three favorite sports events I’ve been to throughout my life are: 
1. 49ers 99’ playoff game against the Packers: In my mind this was basically the last moment before the 49ers long spiral of playing shitty really started. This was before Terrell Owens became TO, and directly before Garrison Hearst blew out his knee and Super Bowl hopes have never really came back since the Falcon’s game the next week. 

2. Detroit vs. Chicago. Winter Classic, 2009 - This was obviously my most recent of the top  three. I had to travel to Chicago to see this game, and it was definitely worth it, even though my girlfriend was none-to-happy that I traveled away for sports and missed New Years with her. There is nothing else like seeing your breath before watching your favorite hockey team play. The fact that this was the first big event I’ve been when I was over 21, so I had a few Jack and Cokes before the game at Cubbies bar, and a bunch of beers at the game.

3. UNC National Title in 2005 - What else can I say other than the fact that it was great seeing my favorite team win the title. Besides the Red Wings I have never really been able to see a championship for any of my teams in my lifetime (and I had to see the Detroit games on TV). The 1994 49ers Super Bowl doesn’t really count in my mind, because although I was alive, I was only about 7, and not too into Football. 

I will end this blog here.